Motivation confidence and personality
Political nonsense and really really really bad news
Throughout his writings, Bradbury used a lot of Text quotations or historical text written by other authors.
He did this so the authors that he Referenced will have the recognition that they deserve and so the readers could know where to look if they wanted to dig deeper to the materials that were referenced.
In the sentence, we can infer that "flaring" means mad or angry, hence the answer:angry.
Answer + Explanation:
<u>We must believe to see anything. Perception is belief. We see what we believe.</u>
What something looks like or how our body works are fairly easy concrete problems. But there are beliefs which are far more abstract and even metaphysical. If you are a pessimist, the downsides will always be clearer than the upsides. If you believe fundamentally that all people are good at heart, you may be gullible and open to those who may take advantage of you. And even many who don’t believe in God will talk about their luck or their karma. These aren’t perspectives or opinions. Our beliefs may be based on perspectives or opinions, but once we believe them they are as real as a jalapeno is hot or a terrorist is terrifying.
We act based on what we see, and we see based on what we already believe. Belief doesn’t just affect perception. Belief is perception. If we want to change what we see, we must change what we believe. But not only that, we also must unsee what we’ve already seen. Unfortunately, that’s not easy. It may not even be possible. And that’s why it’s so hard to change how we perceive anything.