The nurse should teach pursed-lip breathing in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This kind of breathing allows the patient to exhale most of the air trapped in the lungs, as hyperinflation is very evident in COPD. The nurse should instruct the patient to inhale slowly for 3 seconds, purse the lips, contract abdominal muscles, and exhale slowly.
The correct answer is option ''The stethoscope was invented because the physician did not want to put his head on women's chests to listen to their heart and lungs''.
In this case, the problem was that the physician's had a problem in listening the heart beats and the lung sound of the woman. To overcome this problem, the stethoscope was invented to listen the heart beat and the lung sound from distance, without keeping head on women's chest.
O movimento respiratório está enviando e permitindo que o oxigênio flua para cada parte (eu sou 100% certo, mas eu tenho quase certeza)
<em><u>Altered Reciprocal Inhibition</u></em> is cause by a tight agonist muscle decreasing the neural drive to its functional antagonist.
A,C,D Is the answer to the question