Multiply 5730 years by 2 since two half-lives have gone by for carbon.
The half-life of a radioactive isotope depicts the measure of time that it takes half of the isotope in an example decay. On account of radiocarbon dating, the half-existence of carbon 14 is 5,730 years
The half-life of carbon-14 is 5730 years.
In this manner, after
1 half-life there is 50 % = 1/2 of the first amount left.
2 half-lives there is 25 % = 1/4 of the first amount left.
25% is two half-lives.
Every 50% of life requires 5730 years.
So two half-lives require 2 × 5730
Involuntary as the muscle is a reflex
If the trait is sex-linked (on the X or Y chromosome) or autosomal (on a chromosome that does not determine sex).
If the trait is inherited in a dominant or recessive fashion.
Humans started out by walking on fours and had lots of hair and that is the same as horses so that is why