Its A guys trust me
I tried B and it was wrong;-;
It should be the third because in the first one, you never want to move an injured person for risk of further injury.... the second, never want to leave them alone... the forth, do what you can to help as long as you are not increasing further risk
E sinking air
D rising air
F convergence of air aloft
Low-pressure systems that cross the Northern Hemisphere usually grow, intensify, and disappear in 3 to 4 days. As they evolve, they travel a lot of kilometers and cause the fall of precipitation, being able to encompass zones as big as the center of the United States. It is more usual for them to happen, and they have more intensity during the winter season.
Usually, high-pressure systems are of two kinds: semi-permanent systems that cover the central regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, or the big systems that stand for the big domes of cool air that advance upon southern latitudes after the low-pressure systems have passed. They have the characteristics listed above.