Vatican City (I know it has city in the name lol)
Trust me on this one though haha
The land mass is technically a country because of the Lateran treaty of 1929, which made Vatican city an independent state under the Holy See.

Lithosphere provides us forests and grasslands for grazing land for agriculture and human settlements and also rich source of minerals. The lithosphere contains different types of rocks such as the igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, it helps to provide the necessary nutrients required to plants.
The movement of the Earth plate made Canada have same fossils or other materials from other countries. It changed the ocean direction, and climate.
Fact: The plate moves one centimeter each year.
is caused by earth's rotation
- The Coriolis effect is the direct result of the earth's constant motion around its axis and in which he objects are deflected towards the right in the northern hemisphere and to left in the southern hemisphere. It is also called as an initial or fictitious force with reference to clockwise rotation.
D the end of the construction of the canal it was estimated that 22,000 died during the earlier french effort to build the canal.