The average temperature in the capital city of Lima. Peru is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit almost all time of the year.
1. Puedes venir a mirar este programa?
2. No Vas a apagar la comutadora?
3. Puedes llamar al portero y decirle que la luz se apago?
4 Puedes poner la television ahora; o la puedes poner despues
5. No the procupes pr el trabajo; No quieres descansar un poco?
Hope this helps
Son las once cuarenta y cinco de la mañana.
I can read a clock and speak Spanish
Can I borrow some money?
They told us that their friend is in the hospital.
He loves ice cream.
I'll pass the information on to you later.
They took our suitcases to the room.
I want to give you some advice.
My aunt sent him a gift in the mail.
Her boss brought her medicine.
My favorite thing they have given me is a book in Spanish.
Do you like this one better or the other one?