I would like to meet Jesse Pinkman from breaking bad I want to meet this fictional character because I feel like if I met him I would help him feel better throughout his sadness.
An impromptu seems to be a complimentary musical with music with both the characteristic of a former virtuosity, typically for a valve trombone, such as a guitar, as if inspired by the nature of the situation.
If I was in China I would like to learn a lot of China's Chinese words I'm American I can't really learn that many words that fast so doing the tradition of China when they have the party I think it'll be hard for me to adapt because I don't even know how to start off what to do and also if I was in Tokyo ya like Tokyo Japanese Japan I would I know if you were Japanese but I really think that doing the Japanese culture not really got of you also if I was in the
It reveals his respect for artistic tradition.