Hello. You forgot to introduce the answer options. The options are:
A. The white moose are rare and weird, these mysterious white moose are showing up everywhere. B. While this condition is weird, it isn't stopping these moose from popping up all over the place. C. The weird white moose are rare, but they seem to be all over the place these days. D. While this condition is rare, these mysterious white moose continue to show up across Europe.
D. While this condition is rare, these mysterious white moose continue to show up across Europe.
The option selected above uses formal words and a more cultured and appropriate diction to be presented to a group of professionals who will analyze whether the text is able to expose information in an appropriate way for the academic environment. In addition to presenting a formal tone, the text remains simple and accessible so that anyone can understand the message addressed.
Error couldn’t find question
It doesn't have a comma or conjunction between the two statements (Jonah could not sleep, he was exited about his new job)
" Stereotypes are one way by which history affects present life ".
In social psychology, a stereotype is a generalized belief about a particular category of people. It is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular group.[citation needed] The type of expectation can vary; it can be, for example, an expectation about the group's personality, preferences, appearance or ability. Stereotypes are sometimes overgeneralized, inaccurate, and resistant to new information, but can sometimes be accurate.
While such generalizations about groups of people may be useful when making quick decisions, they may be erroneous when applied to particular individuals and are among the reasons for prejudicial attitudes.
Negative stereotypes can have harmful consequences for the quality of life of older adults and can also result in a major loss to society. With increases in life expectancy as well as reduced infirmity, many adults are aging well, but negative stereotypes of aging may put society at risk for losing the contributions of these vital and knowledgeable people. The potential individual and social effects underscore the need to understand the content of aging stereotypes in terms of their accuracy and applications. It is especially important to understand how negative stereotypes exacerbate poor performance in areas in which decline is real. That is, beliefs that memory is bad in old age can reduce motivation when increased motivation is needed instead. A framework for predicting and interpreting individuals' behavior is imperative to understand how aging stereotypes drive behavior in both positive and negative ways.
( I don't like stereotypes, I have never discriminated anyone, I consider everyone as my friends. )
The setting of the story, the deep south during the Great Depression, is very important to the story. Race relations hadn't changed a great deal from the 1930's to the late 1950's when Harper Lee wrote the novel, so she could write about a past time from a view into her current time. Blacks in the south were segregated as many southerners, like many people, did things the way their parents and grandparents did them and thought the way their parents and grandparents thought. In the 1930's, the Civil War was 70 years old, but the grandparents of adults during 1930's would have probably had a clear memory of it. People didn't travel much in the 1930's due to lack of money and lack of opportunity. People were much more provincial then than they are now because, in part, we have mass media and easy access to travel. That provincialism helped maintain the views of southerners from the Civil War through the 1930's and beyond. All of that information makes it easier to understand why some of the characters in the story acted the way they did, particularly the uneducated ones. The jury in the Tom Robinson trial was made up mostly of farmers who would have had a very limited education, so their prejudices ran deep. That doesn't excuse what they did, but it does help explain it. If the story had been set in a more modern time after the Civil Rights movement, there would have been less chance of a guilty verdict, no matter where the story was set. Also important to the story's setting is the fact that the story does take place in the rural south. These people were greatly and negatively affected by the Great Depression. Many of the small farmers, like the Cunninghams, couldn't make ends meet with what was grown on their farms. They were angry and bitter and sometimes that anger came out at any convenient source such as when the group of farmers planned to lynch Tom at the jail. The setting was essential to the story so that the reader could see how ignorance bred prejudice and enlightenment banished it.