Beyond the literature importance, The Thousand and One Nights is a good way to learn and discover more the customs and social structure of the Arabian world of the 9th century.
We don't know the exact time when the Arabian Nights are passed, but the most recent date which these tales were compiled is the 9th century. In these stories, we are introduced to Sherazade and a king who loves stories. She tells him tales about several themes, and trough these stories we can know more about the culture, the customs, the beliefs and ideas of that period.
what happens to countries that commit human rights
that human rights apply to all the people of the
the importance of establishing basic human rights.
that some rights can be limited by sovereign
Answer: I think the answer is A), please tell me if i am wrong.
Basically the Peace of Augsburg was temporarily settled the dispute between Protestant Lutherans and Catholics by allowing every Prince in the Holy Roman Empire to pick which of the two religions would dominate their lands, it did not include other denominations such as the Anabaptists.