There are 538 total electors in the electoral college. A candidate needs 270 to win the presidency. The electoral College consists on the meeting of the electors that vote for President and Vice President and the counting of the electoral votes. The electoral college system was established by the founding fathers.
The answer would be Italy, so this is correct
Las características geográficas son los componentes de la tierra.Hay dos tipos de características geográficas: características geográficas naturales y características geográficas artificiales.Las características geográficas naturales incluyen, entre otras, las formas de relieve y los ecosistemas.Por ejemplo, los tipos de terreno, cuerpos de agua, unidades naturales (que consisten de todas las plantas, animales y microorganismos en un área que funciona junto con todos los factores físicos no vivos del medio ambiente) son características geográficas naturales.Mientras tanto, los asentamientos humanos, construcciones de ingeniería, etc. son tipos de características geográficas artificiales.
The U.S have civic responsibilities because it is paramount to the success of democracy and philanthropy. By involving yourself in civic responsibilities, citizens make sure and confirm/support specific democratic values written in the founding documents.
Native Americans and Christianity<span> have a history that dates to the the arrival of the first European explorers. This history is marked by </span>genocide<span>, cultural destruction, domination and resistance</span>