It’s funny because the concept of sustainability is thought to come from field of forestry. Around the year 1700, Carl von Carlowitz described the concept of sustainable forestry.
Wait and be patience for the medication, it could take some more time in certain cases
Playing is the correct to your question.
C - Contains the embryonic disk
After an egg is fertilized, it begins to divide into smaller cells, from the 1 cell stage, to 2, to 4 and so on. Then, on the third day, the cells fall within 16-200 cells and it is then called a <em>morula</em>.
On the fifth day, the morula becomes a ball of calls which is now differentiated into an <em>inner cell mass and a trophectoderm</em>. The inner cell mass becomes the <em>embryo</em> as development goes on and the trophectoderm, becomes the <em>placenta</em>.
As development goes on further, the floor of the amniotic cavity is formed by the embryonic disk, a layer of prismatic cells derived from the inner cell mass.
The embryonic disc develops into 3 layers:
There is a major differentiation of cells which gives a template for the origin of development of specific organs of the embryo.