After reading through the material and further looking into other documents regarding Elvis’ death, I have come to the conclusion that his death was simply an accident. Although at the time it did not seem to lead in that direction, after further medical advances and research, Elvis’ healthultimately took a toll after a traumatic brain injury that went untreated. This was not due to negligence, just simply medicine was not as advance at that time to discover and treat this.
A. North and South,
Explanation: northern, southern and central.
In the civil war 750,000 Americans died.
To answer your first question, social darwinism is a theory that supports the rich getting richer. Republican party is based around this theory. Since they believe that those who are the fittest get the money, there is no reason to help the poor, because that is their fault. We can also attach to this the theory of mercantilism where everyone get what they truly deserve. On the other hand, social gospel movement is a christian movement that wanted to help the poor based on christian values. This movement applied christian ethics to social problems such as poverty, delinquency, racism, child labor and so on.
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