What Katie is worried about at the beginning of The Shakespeare Mix-Up is the speech she has to give tomorrow.
She is learning some facts about Shakespeare and is frightened about what her speech is going to look like the following day. She says to her mom that it is a very important speech and that her school career depends on it.
tht she like them racking in these points bye
A FOX one day fell into a deep well and could find no means of escape. A Goat, overcome with thirst, came to the same well, and seeing the Fox, inquired if the water was good. Concealing his sad plight under a merry guise, the Fox indulged in a lavish praise of the water, saying it was excellent beyond measure, and encouraging him to descend. The Goat, mindful only of his thirst, thoughtlessly jumped down, but just as he drank, the Fox informed him of the difficulty they were both in and suggested a scheme for their common escape. "If," said he, "you will place your forefeet upon the wall and bend your head, I will run up your back and escape, and will help you out afterward." The Goat readily assented and the Fox leaped upon his back. Steadying himself with the Goat's horns, he safely reached the mouth of the well and made off as fast as he could. When the Goat upbraided him for breaking his promise, he turned around and cried out, "You foolish old fellow! If you had as many brains in your head as you have hairs in your beard, you would never have gone down before you had inspected the way up, nor have exposed yourself to dangers from which you had no means of escape."
What is the moral of the story? Think things through before taking action. Don't be impulsive.
Basically, the theme is think before you leap.
The answer for this question is the following....... is that what you feel
I. Intro
<span>General statement- Say something like "there are several types of forms of poetry." However, a broad statement about the topic will do. </span>
<span>Narrowed down statement- "Two of these forms are narrative and lyric forms." </span>
<span>Thesis- "These forms are very different. Lyric form is a short poem in which a single speaker presents a state of mind or an emotional state. However, narrative poetry gives a verbal representation, in verse, of a sequence of connected events." </span>
<span>A possible intro for this essay could be... </span>
<span>There are several types of forms of poetry. Two of these forms are narrative and lyric forms. These forms are very different. Lyric form is a short poem in which a single speaker presents a state of mind or an emotional state. However, narrative poetry gives a verbal representation, in verse, of a sequence of connected events. </span>
<span>Put that down and you won't get a zero. Now, idk anything else about the topic so I really can't help you with the bodies. However, if you want an outline... </span>
<span>P1 - narrative poem... you could discuss how it goes in order and describes events that might have happened. Maybe one wants to write about something significant in their life in this form. Idk. </span>
<span>Why go to the library? You got this site here... http://www.poetrysoup.com/poems_poets/poem_detail.aspx?ID=580126 </span>
<span>Think I would get off my rear end to go to the library? This is how I did them in English class. I did this once on a paper and got a 98. </span>
<span>P2 - lyric - Discuss how it lets the poet express how he or she feels about something... in fact that would be a possible use for it. </span>
<span>http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-lyric-poetry.html </span>
<span>^There is your example. Again, you don't need the library. </span>
<span>Here is how you would write a conclusion... </span>
<span>Step 1) Write: "To sum it up, lyric and narrative are two different forms of poetry writing. Each serves a wonderful purpose." </span>
<span>Step 2) Summarize the main points in your body paragraphs in a sentence or two. One sentence for each form. You can do this with the info I gave you though, it's straight regurgitation. </span>
<span>Step 3) Write a clincher... idk something like "These forms of poetry have been the basis for many amazing poems." However, any "last thought" statement will do. </span>