In rain storms methane gases into carbon, as it falls it turns into pieces of graphite and then into diamonds.
Answer and Explanation :
An Industrial Society is mainly formed to care for a huge population and derives its mass production from the use of fossil fuels, artificial fertilizers and other aids that use technology at their heart.
The industrial model an excessive working structure that needs the support of natural resources, man power, genetically modified produce and a curious need to meets the needs of an over-populated and growing society. In simple terms, since the design of this society is based on mass production, there is no natural equilibrium maintained in terms of consumption. And hence an industrial society is inherently unsustainable due to the ever growing consumerism.
Earthquakes -the physical phenomena of ground shaking, surface fault rupture, and ground failure and, in some coastal areas, tsunamis. Smaller earthquakes, aftershocks, may follow the main shock, sometimes several hours, months, or even several years later.
Volcanoes-serious damage is restricted to small areas compared with the extent of damage from large floods or great earthquakes. Yet volcanic eruptions can take a high toll in human life and property.
The practice of female infanticide.
Some countries, especially China, India, have practiced female infanticide due to the fact that they regard males as superior. As for China an addition factor might have been the one child rule applied for a long time although this law has been relaxed in the last few years and you can now have 2 children. Also, India is well know for female infanticide and women are less valued and the fetus is aborted.
India has cause to fret. According to two demographers, John Bongaarts and Christophe Guilmoto, a staggering 45m girls and women are missing from the country. Some were never born, having been detected by ultrasound scans and aborted. Others died young as a result of being neglected more than boys. Some villages in the north have an alarming surplus of boys and young men. Yet attitudes and behaviour are changing. In India, and in the world as a whole, the war on baby girls seems to be winding down.