<u>The two types of organization that teach citizens about their rights are:</u>
i) Civil Societies- Civil societies comprise of groups or organizations that work in the interest of the citizen's rights but operate outside the governmental and for-profit sectors. Such organizations and institutions include labor unions, non-profit organizations, churches. and,
ii) Human Rights Organizations- Major human rights organizations are constructed to maintain extensive websites where they document violations and call for remedial action, both at a governmental and grass-roots level. Organizations such as the Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) monitor the actions of governments and pressure them to act according to human rights principles.
Turn off the heat and let your corn soak overnight. In the morning rinse your corn well in a stainless steel colander. While it's rinsing rub off some of the corn's outer layer (this will give you a finer flour). The corn can then be used whole in soups or stews or ground into flour.