Biofuels are fuels derived directly from living matter. Read this article about a scientist who discovered how one bacterium can
transform plants into usable energy. Then answer the following questions. Today, many people read only the headlines of news stories instead of taking time to read the entire article. This habit can lead to misconceptions about the actual story. What misconceptions could someone have by reading just the headline of this article? How are these misconceptions clarified if the entire article is read?
The headline suggests that using bacteria to turn plants into biofuel is a simple process. But reading the article reveals that there were many different types of scientists involved in the process. Also, the headline gives the misconception that this process is so simple that it’s ready to be used. But the last paragraph of the article states that this process has only been done on a small scale, and transforming the process for the entire industry would likely be quite difficult.
Nonpoint source pollution comes from several locations. If they cannot find the origin of the pollution it can be almost impossible to regulate. Or they may not have enough funding.