Philo T. Farnsworth, Vladimir Zworykin, Charles Jenkins and John Baird all attributed greatly to the invention of the modern television each supplying their own piece of the puzzle.
Seventy-five years ago, the television was introduced with skepticism and awe. No one truly believed it would change the way we view the world. Now, people are more attached to their televisions than ever including programming on computers and cell phones; and manufactures, broadcasters and producers are continually finding new ways to bring big entertainment to the small screen.
Dred Scott lost. The court said that he was a slave and therefore the property of the slave owner. They also said that being a slave makes him property, which means he had no right to appeal to the court in the first place because property has no rights. So basically, it was a huge loss for Dred Scott and slave rights.
The bill of rights was an addition to the US Constitution as a way to win the approval of many opponents. The opponents of the new system of the federation were concerned over the fact that the federal government would have high power and would kill individual rights. Because of that, they were opposed to the Constitution. With the Bill of Rights, they would win support because people’s rights were guaranteed.