An abolitionist is someone who helped slaves escape captivity and help them reach the North.
The primary reason why the 2010 Affordable Care Act stands as one of the most important domestic policy plans in recent history is because it was the first of its kind. Universal healthcare had never existed in the United States before.
The answer is Fort Laramie. The Fort Laramie treaty in the year 1851 was a treaty between the United States commissioners and the representatives of the Sioux, Cheyenne, Crow, Arapaho, Mandan, Assiniboine, Arikara, and Hidatsa Nations. It was set for the traditional claims of the tribes.
If we are talking about legacy of each culture in a general sense..? Then the greatest legacy a culture could have is a culture that doesn't fade away throughout time but instead grows and changes through history. A Culture that will be remembered because of the impact it had on the world.
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