They passed through Eastern Europe, the Middle East, central Asia and the ... Brubeck's performances — the first of any American jazz band.Jazz records were imported from America and Europe. ... could pick up East German radio, which featured big bands doing ... View all notes Shortly after receiving the Polish visas for the non‐performers, Brubeck begun to receive attention in recent studies of music and the Cold ... queries to diplomatic posts in Eastern Europe, asking about the desirability of a potential
The government of ancient Egypt was a theocratic monarchy as the king ruled by a mandate from the gods, initially was seen as an intermediary between human beings and the divine, and was supposed to represent the gods' will through the laws passed and policies approved
C. Constitution
After the American Revolution, the states created their own constitutions, as each state wanted to govern themselves differently.
They did not have their own presidents or monarchs, and instead put state power into the hands of the governor or assemblies.
These state constitutions regarded topics such as voting rights and what type of government each state had.
The constitutions also were inspired by the American Revolution, with ideals of freedom and equality.
So, the correct answer is C, constitution.
The Pakistani military have accused Afghanistan of sheltering various terrorist groups which launch attacks into Pakistan, while Afghan authorities have blamed Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI, for funding warlords and the Taliban, and for basing terrorist camps within Pakistani territory to target Afghanistan.