A. She turned around and said, "By the way, Sally, where were you on Halloween, 1998?"
This sentence is punctuated correctly.
The approximate total number of recent cases between these two sources is 30.
This article comes from one of the very well respected fact-checking groups, Politifact. When Governor Abbott's long standing support for the prevalence of voter fraud was directly challenged by President Obama during a visit to Austin, the governor responded strongly. When Governor Abbott used the adjective "rampant," this triggered many different media outlets to search for supporting evidence. When Politifact went knocking on doors in the state government for supporting facts behind the governor's statement, the governor chose not to reply, but the state attorney general's office provided some numbers on voter fraud cases. Politifact also found some data in a Heritage Foundation report, one that should be favorable to the governor's position since it is a very conservative policy think tank.
i dont honestly understand
Representa los lazos de amistad y la lucha por llegar a un acuerdo con la propia identidad
B. bulleted text
D. headings
E. adequate font size
(Photo for proof at the bottom.)
Bulleted text helps organize information. When text is clumped together, it may be overwhelming for the viewer.
Headings help tell the reader what the following information is going to be about, so they have a little bit of context before reading.
Adequate font size is good because it makes it easier for the reader to read. No one wants to read text that's too small, or too large.
Here's a photo of Edge to make things easier.