I think India because Budhaa religion was found in 500 BC in India
As part of the Omaha Platform, the People's Party demanded that there be a reduction in the working day fair, a safe, sound and flexible national currency, assistance to farmers with the financing of their labors, fair and liberal pensions to ex-Union soldiers and sailors, the direct election of the Senators, single terms for Vice-Presidents and Presidents, initiatives and referendums to be readily available, a secret ballot system, the nationalization of railroads, telegraph, postal systems and telephone systems a graduated income tax and the free and unlimited coinage of silver.
Decline in trade - shift to a rural society
The fall of the Roman Empire brought significant changes in the mode of rule and governance. After the fall, the empire was governed by the warrior kings. The traditional and community guidelines were given priority than the written laws. There was a drastic change in the economic stability of the empire as well. The economy inclined towards the agricultural sector as the result of the collapse of the trade. It was because of the decline in the trade that shifted the empire towards the rural society.
In the 1930's Japan went to war with China. The United States supported China and placed a trade embargo on Japan so they couldn't get any supplies from the United States, particularly oil that might fuel Japan's military conquests.<span />