Truth is, we know very little about Solon, only fragments of his original works survived to our days. From Herodotus and Plutarch we know about the reforms he made to the city of Athens, these reforms failed in the short term, but planted the seeds for Athenian democracy.
Although you have not given any options, in related to Communism what happened was that the number of communist countries increased during the following years.
Many nations in the Soviet-liberated eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America started to adapt the Communism as their main method of governance that deeply worried and concerned the Democratic west! USA and the Western European powers considered Communism as a threat to Capitalism, Democracy and International trade during the 20th century!
The Judaism and Islam share beliefs in the Afterlife, Final Judgment, and Resurrection.
When it returned it to royal control, it was established as a state that had a local assembly which was some type of an early government that was supposed to be more democratic. Eventually it all changed due to historical things in America that we know of.
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Robert Oppenheimer, was brought in for the Manhattan Project. Top Secret, they were worried about him at first, but realized he was a genius. What is the Manhattan Project? The race to build the world's first atomic bomb during World War 2. Robert Oppenheimer was called in to be the main man to basically make the atomic bomb real.