<span>The goddess of discord (Eris), unhappy to have not been invited to a marriage, threw a golden apple on a table and claimed that it belonged to the fairest goddess. Athena, Hera and Aphrodite all claimed the apple, and Paris was taken to decide who should have it. Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful women that existed if he chose her, which he thus did, hence she told him he could claim Helen (the wife of Menelaus, Sparta's king) as his wife. The abduction of Helen by Paris started the trojan war.</span>
The Dutch believed that they had more of a claim on New Amsterdam than the British is:
They were the first one to claim the land.
Back when territories between countries still haven't been settled, the one that first settle the territory will have control over it.
The Wade- Davis Bill was introduced after the Civil War. The goal of this bill was to help the Confederate states rejoin the Union after meeting certain requirements.
In this case, the Wade- Davis Bill wanted a majority of the population within a respective southern state to take the Ironclad oath. This oath essentially says that these individuals never supported the Confederacy in the past. This oath was supposed to prove these citizens loyalty to the United States moving forward.
Even though this is passed in Congress, it is pocket vetoed by Lincoln and never gets implemented into US society.