Answered by Aslan 8 years ago 1/27/2014 2:13 AM
He doesn't want them near the people in that store or the children to disobey their parents.
Golden retrievers are more loyal, friendly, and smart than a pitbull, but on the other hand, Pitbulls are more protective, so it depends why you want the dog, if you want a guard dog than a pitbull would suit you, but if you want a companion dog then get a golden retriever, I would take the Golden retreiever.
Interesting. You did not describe the requirements, but the message seems good to me. Thanks for sharing.
Curfew should not be allowed because it will cause riot protest and resistance
When Helena said that "It is not night when I do see your face", she is feeling happy, in love and contented. She can forget all her problems whenever he is around and she is very much spending time with him.