Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865
The American Civil War was a civil war in the United States fought between states supporting the federal union and southern states that voted to secede and form the Confederate States of America
Freedom of speech, right to bare arms, and the 18th amendment that allows blacks and whites in the same school
The events are in this order as occured in the world history;
1) Sepoy Rebellion (This is also known as Indian Mutiny, the Great Rebellion, the Revolt of 1857 etc. and was the first major uprising against East India Company and reportedly set path for the establishment of British Raj in India)
2) British Raj established. (1858)
3) World War 1 (1914)
4) Amritsar Massacre (1919) (This is also known in Indian History as The Jallianwala Bagh massacre)
Although science has come a long way in this regard, burials still often cannot reveal when the deceased person died, or even when exactly he or she lived. It also cannot tell much about the person's true beliefs, although it may give clues as to the profession or religion of the deceased.
What the burial can or cannot tell depends significantly on the age, complexity, and preservation of the burial itself, but generally there is a great deal that a burial cannot tell historians.