A) True
They were angry at colonists for taking their land.
Germany's militarization of the Rhineland, annexation of Austria, and aggression against Czechoslovakia, the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939, and the German attack on Poland. Like Italy and Japan, German aggression came from a need for resources, a desire to expand or gain back former land, and extreme nationalism.
Because the Ottoman Empire wanted more land. Also the Ottoman Empire lost the first war and when they do lost the war the give them land but no money
What happened in 1970 Major News Stories include Concorde first supersonic flight, Jumbo Jet goes into service, Isle of Wight Festival, Chicago Seven found guilty, Aswan High Dam completed, US and the UK lowers the voting age to 18, 100,000 demonstrate in Washington DC against the Vietnam War, First Earth Day, Beatles disband.
In a file
Im not sure too