Lincoln's contrast of free labour and slave labour is quite different as he did not base his argument on the fact that free labourers had the conset to work for a wage and slave labourer did not.
- Rather he argued that the difference was that among the free labourers there was hope to escape from the current condition to a better one whereas slave labourers lacked this kind of hope.
- It is not the consent that distinguishes free labour from slave labourers but rather the independence of choice the rise to own productive property and to work for oneself.
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise split the Louisiana Territory with the North being free from slavery and the South being allowed to have slavery.
The issue of slavery was a rising concern and with each state entering into the Union the balance of slave and free states was skewing. With a new land mass to be concerned with, the government needed a compromise to deal with new states coming into the Union in an effort to maintain slave v. free states. Missouri was entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state. The compromise also set the 36'30 line splitting Louisiana Territory. The compromise would last until 1850.
The correct answer is <span>do not come from the government.
He believed that the rights are unalienable and we get them just by being born. There is no government that can or that should try to take them away and if a government does try then it should be changed because it would be a tyrannical government.</span>
The correct answer is A) In cities. Hope this helps.
I dont know I just want points