Remember that Eliezer and his father were sent off to Auschwitz, which as commonly known today is a death camp. To determine whether they go to Auschwitz or Birkenau (the labor camp next to Auschwitz), they were asked for some of the following things:
1) Age
2) Occupancy
3) Health condition
4) (i believe there might be more) etc.
Each of these determine if they can work, and depending on what they answer, they were either sent directly to the death camp, or were sent to the labor camp.
Now, to answer the question, they were told to lie about their ages so that they would have a higher survivability rate.
hope this helps
Frace helped the united staes after the 911 incident
He offered amnesty to draft evaders
hope this helps
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The Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) is an agency inside the United States Department of State. It organizes an arrangement of issues identified with the world's seas, condition, science and innovation, and wellbeing. Notice with respect to Government exercises on global harmonization of substance security and wellbeing data, and demand for remarks and data.