Depending on the sentence, a pronoun should be placed before or after the verb. In a statement, it will be before, such as in "I can buy a necklace." In a question, it will be after, such as in "Can I buy a necklace?" (which is after the helping verb but before the acting verb)
When they see something that look familiar, or smell something like food, and when they see some familiar face.
Like if you are in the park playing soccer, and you see some familiar dog that belong to you long time ago.
A subordinate clause is part of a sentence that would <u>not</u> make sense on its own. For example
The cat was tired, <u>as he always ran around the field</u>
The part in bold is the main clause
and the part underlined is the subordinate clause
The language is used to indicate expressions of happiness.
He uses the word "frabjous day" and has an exclamation point at the end which indicates he's happy and it makes since from the line before.