Jimmy Carter is best known as a Washington outsider. One of the main reasons that his presidency was flawed, was his inability to solve the Iran hostage crisis in 1980.

➤ When a few companies dominate the market, it’s called Oligopoly
An Oligopoly is referring to when a few companies dominate, overpower or become more successful or larger than other companies or markets. It does not matter how powerful the dominated or dominating companies are. Oligopoly is simply referring to a few companies. Although only a few firms dominate, it is possible that many small firms may also operate in the market.
- Mordancy
C. ( Colombian Exchange )
As Europeans traversed the Atlantic, they brought with them plants, animals, and diseases that changed lives and landscapes on both sides of the ocean. These two-way exchanges between the Americas and Europe/Africa are known collectively as the Columbian Exchange.
The First World War (WWI) was fought from 1914 to 1918 and the Second World War (or WWII) was fought from 1939 to 1945. They were the largest military conflicts in human history.
There are lots of new land being discovered in Africa in about 29 years.
Just compare the maps