group decision making, a form of tunnel vision that develops in which there is
only one "right" viewpoint and suggested alternatives are perceived
as signs of disloyalty is called groupthink.
simpler form, groupthink discourages creativity, from the name itself, it talks
about the decision making as a group in which individuality is not accepted.</span>
Or people based on common features,traits o rcharacteris
Piper's test is the Stanford Binet, and Taylor's test is the WAIS (Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale).
Both test are used to <em>measure one's </em><em>intelligence</em> but they both differ in the way of measurement.
Let's break them down:
- Stanford Binet: it is divided into 4 scales (verbal reasoning, visual/abstract reasoning, quantitative reasoning and short-term memory). All these give a single score, known as the G Factor; <em>general intelligence. </em>
- WAIS: it measures <em>different capacities </em>and provides scores for each of them. It measures verbal comprehension, perceptive reasoning, work memory and processing speed.
In this case, Piper is taking the Stanford Binet since she will receive a single score, while Taylor is taking the WAIS and will receive 4 separate scores for each.