A simile is a figure of speech that is used by the poet to compares two things directly . Similes highlight the similarities between two things by making use of word-"like" and "as"
A simile is a figure of speech that is used by the poet to compares two things directly . Similes highlight the similarities between two things by making use of word-"like" and "as"
"like the two strokes across a dollar sign"In the poem the narrator
The Baptiste's did not have faith in the new technology ,he believes that the axes that are produced by the machines are of inferior quality in comparison to the once that are hand made.
The Baptiste's also believes in home schooling rather than educating their school they believe that home education is better than the children going to school.
Because in your table of contents, it shows how information(chapters) are structured.
The answer is 1.84 which would round to 1.8 to the nearest tenth and 2 to the nearest whole number.
<em>I am against the idea of using controlled fires to protect wild areas.</em>
<em>Although some people may say, "Using controlled fires to burn wild areas protect larger wildfires from happening," and that, "The humans are being protected,"; they don't seem to care about the animals that rely on the trees, and the grass, and the flowers, etc;. All they care about is protecting themselves, and that the animals will just simply find another place to live. </em>
<em>Humans should compare animals to themselves—we are animals after all!—and not just think that the animal world is another version of a fairy tale. When humans think that animals will easily find another place to live, they should think about themselves and think, "Wait a minute! It's so hard for me to get another home, with all the papers, contracts, loans, payments, etc;! Why do I think that it'll be easier for animals!"</em>
<em>In conclusion, although using controlled fires to protect wild areas are great for humans, we should judge what we do on how an animal would feel or react in that situation. Yes, sometimes we </em><em>must </em><em>use controlled fires, </em><em>but </em><em>remember that animals have a symbiotic relationship with us and that to take something, we must give something.</em>