B. Offer criticism on the dystopia itself
explains how the Iroquois believe that the earth was created.
Its a really fun myth if you haven't read it.
Question 1: The answer is A.
Tumo was extrinsically motivated to go back to college part-time because he knew there was a real chance that the plant where he worked would shut down and move its operations out-of-state. But at the same time, he was also intrinsically motivated because he saw this as an oportunity to fulfill his dream of becoming a veterinarian.
Question 2: The answer is A.
Tumo exhibits a Growth mindset. Rather than believing his qualities are set and looking for a job in a similar plant, he is certain that his intelligence can grow. Because of this, he strives to improve himself.
Question 3: The answer is C.
By isolating himself, Tumo would not be building resilience, on the contrary, he would be allowing the situation to get the best of him. On the other hand, if he were to maintain a positive stance, take actions before getting fired or see this as an opportunity, Tumo would be developing resilience and getting himself ready for the future that awaits him.
Friar Tell Capulet That Juliet Was Going To Heaven Some Day So It Might As Well Be Now .
In Scout Momaday, said on page 3, "The young Plains culture of the Kiowas withered and died like grass burn in the prairie."
Similes use like and as to compare someone or something and a metaphor doesn't.
Example of a metaphor: Her hands turned to ice in the cold wind of the Autumn.
Your hands only felt like ice and didn't actually turn to ice.