That depends on the college she is going, who is giving the scholarship and the reason why she is leaving. Scholarships, have nothing to do with when you use it... usually. For example, if the person/company/association giving the scholarship said they would give her the scholarship for her las year of college they have to give it to her for that last year doesn't matter if it took one more year to get to that last one or if she got promoted one year above the one she was supposed to be they have to give it to her one year earlier, but it has to be the last year.
So no, it doesn't matter if she takes a year off, she still has her scholarship she just needs a document that says she is taking a year off and why and turn it in to whoever is giving the scholarship.
Example: Did you know that donating blood is actually good for your health? It is true! When you donate blood, your iron remains maintained at a healthy level. Reduction of iron in your body can lead to cancer, and no one wants that! Plus, donating blood reduces the risks of heart and/or liver ailments.
The team's collective output is greater than the total of each individual's output.
When a group of people come together to perform a task, it's proven to have a more efficient output, since there is a combination of different abilities and points of view of each of the persons in the group. Teamwork promotes better solutions to situations in a faster pace, which is basically one of the objectives of the companies today.
The answer is that it makes the audience more receptive of
the character’s views. His soliloquy is
gives the audience an idea about who he is and why he does these things. Although it doesn’t justify his actions, it
makes the audience understand him.