To make a fraction a percent, you have to divide the numerator by the denominator. You get a decimal. Multiply the decimal by 100 to get the percent or just move the decimal two places to the right.
Divide 1 by 5 and you get 0.20
Multiply 0.20 by 100. The answer is 20%
Divide 2 by 3 and you get 0.6666.......
Multiply 0.6666..... by 100 and you get 66.6%
Divide 1 by 40 and you get 0.025.
Multiply 0.025 by 100 and you get 2.5%
Divide 4 by 8 and you get 0.5.
Divide 0.5 by 100 and you get 50%.
Divide 12/16 and you get 0.75.
Multiply 0.75 by 100 and you get 75%.
<em>Hope it helps</em>