Meroe, city of ancient Cush (Kush) the ruins of which are located on the east bank of the Nile about 4 miles (6.4 km) north of Kabūshīyah in the present-day Sudan; Meroe is also the name of the area surrounding the city.
In writing this headline I would suggest focusing on the perspective of each party based upon their political views. A colonial patriot would support this action and applaud the revolutionary method of protest. However, a loyalist would consider this act treasonous and would not support it.
It was the Civil rights Act of 1866 that was passed by Congress to protect the voting rights of blacks in the South, although it wasn’t very effective, because it couldn't be enforced.
A sense of nationalism was adopted by Americans as well and unity certainly seemed to be present. Although the country became unified in many trivial ways after the War of 1812, for the most part, the United States actually became more divided.
The king had power, but not as much as parliament.