Question Options:
a. Authority compliance leadership
b. Team leadership
c. Country club leadership
d. Middle-of-the road leadership
e. Impoverished leadership
Answer: This is an example of MIDDLE OF THE ROAD LEADERSHIP.
Middle of the road leadership style involves a balanced concern for production and people.
This style is also known as the status quo. The managerial grid model is a style leadership model developed by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton in 1964.
Managers who use this style hope to achieve suitable performance but often neither production or people needs are met.
With revenue a problem, the town could issue bonds or obtain a mortgage.
New business lead to new sources of revenue via taxation, licensing, and fees.
A cessation of local property ties has been remarkably successful in the real world. It worked in posr-Katrina northern Mississippi.
people agreed to form government and limit that government with a contract
According to John locke, social contract is an agreement that the people in society made in order to maintain order/balance in society. The people agree to give up a certain level of their freedom and give the government with the power to regulate some aspects of their life. But in return, the government need to keep working to improve the quality of life of the people.
The implementation of John Locke's social contract can be seen in modern day democracy, where we let a limited form of government to regulate the citizens' life.
The word 'limited' means that we install barriers of protection to prevent the government from violating crucial human rights that the citizens possess. In United States for example, we can see this in the implementation of BILL of rights.
it B ok hmm
oh A research study conducted by the Mayo Clinic would present the most bias-free information. Information in a formal study would be based on results from individuals who were part of the study.