What Edwards suggests in paragraph six in sinners in the hands of an angry god is that good works alone will not save a person from dam nation.
This sermon shows people as absolute sinners who have to look for God's forgiveness even when it is almost impossible to reach according to the metaphors and situations Edwards suggests and explains in it. He tells that as long as they don't have a heavenly revelation they will remain as servants of the devil since he is the one that rules the world. So in that way, any job would be not enough for human salvation.
Jonathan Edwards' Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, lectured on July 8, 1741 in Enfield, Connecticut, is an intrigue to 'delinquents' to perceive that they will be made a decision by God and that this judgment will be more frightful and difficult than they can grasp.
Edwards spends a lot of the message accentuating how irate God is at all the miscreants of the world, and particularly those in the assemblage. In the lesson "Miscreants in the Hands of an Angry God," Jonathan Edwards utilizes numerous pictures to startle his gathering of people with expectations of influencing them to change their ways.