Mikael Gorbachev
As Gorbachev came with the Glasnost, and the Perestroika he introduced major changes to reform the economy. They included the opening to the West, ceasing the total control of key sectors like the energetic oil and gas complexes that became modernized. The economy suffered the transition as many things were obsolete and not healthy, in this process the removal of communist policies in the administration of areas opened the catalog of industries for international capitals to invest in Russia.
The political reforms from Gorbachev also stimulated the creation of political opposition that practically was absent as the single party system came to an end. Human rights were also after a long time emerging as part of other international institutions coming to overwatch the transition of post-soviet Russia.
Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the declaration of independence
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Humans need to eat and drink in order to survive, therefore it against natural law to deprive oneself of food and water, as natural law says that species must survive.
Most of the scholars preached against the Mongol rule so the Mongols in power made sure that the scholars do not get high positions in the new government.