Andrew Jackson created the Democratic party and stood for the people who had not really had a voice, unlike past presidents who stood more for the elites and upper classes. Born into poverty, he was able to come out of it and become a successful war hero which helped him become president.
They're used by humans for fossil fuel and in entertainment. They were not created by the human race, they were created through thousands of being underground and soft tissues quickly decompose leaving the hard bones or shells behind. Over time sediment builds over the top and hardens into rock.
Imperial monopolies provided peace and stability
The disintegration of the Roman empire freed Europe from rule by a single power. Imperial monopolies provided peace and stability, but by seeking to preserve the status quo also tended to stifle experimentation and dissent.
A cash crop was things like cotton. it was produced rapidly and it was valuable. they could make tremendous amounts of money in a short period.