Actually questions like these are mentioned to let know YOUR ability of thinking and YOUR language skills. So, it would be better for YOU to answer and think of it by your own. If you don't have ur favs, leave it
It is the evening before Dorian's thirty-eighth birthday, and he has dined with Lord Henry.
A singular non is the opposite of a plural noun. A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or idea. A plural noun includes things like "children," "books," "libraries," or "liberties." A singular noun would be "child," "book," "library," and "liberty." Singular nouns only name one person, place, thing, or idea. Hope this helps.
The main disagreement between Susan Baker and John Denver was about placing a warning label on music products inappropriate for younger children due to explicit sexual or violent lyrics while John Denver did not support any censorship of any kind on music released.
Firstly, John Denver, a Folk-rock musician, was strongly opposed to censorship of any kind in the society or anywhere else in the world and that in his experience censors often misinterpret music, as was the case in one of his songs.
Secondly, John Denver believed that censoring is counter productive, in that the more people are prevented from doing something the more curious they are to try to do it. In essence, he said that which is denied becomes that which is desired, and that thing that is hidden becomes the most interesting to search for.