The citizens had to feed and house the soliders no matter what.
Many citizens could not afford to house multiple grown men who required food, water, and shelter whuichwas in short supply for many low-income households.
Germany lost territory to Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, return Alsace and Lorraine to France.
The Versailles treaty forced Germany to give up their territory due to Germany losing World War 1 in 1919.
Answer: the days are long
Alaska experiences some very unusual weather to say the least due to its position so far north of the equator. While some parts of Alaska can go months without seeing the sun, in growing season it is almost the opposite.
During growing season, Alaska experiences very long days with 17 hours of sunlight being in the norm in some areas. This much sunlight is beneficial to plants who take advantage of it and ripen faster so that even though growing season is short in Alaska, they are able to grow quite a significant amount of food.
The Gelug sect of Buddhism is the newest sect of this religion/philosophy. It is the one that actually has established the Dalai Lama, which is the most important figure in this sect. The Dalai Lama is viewed as the incarnation Avalokitisvara, a Bodhisttava of Compassion. Also, the Dalai Lama is considered as the spiritual leader of the Gelug Buddhism and he is the highest religious authority, which over time even became a political authority. This sect of Buddhism has become dominant in Tibet and Mongolia.