A resource population is any part of the environment that can be used to meet another organism's needs. The first population acts as this because the second population is surviving by eating the first.

point mutation, change within a gene in which one base pair in the DNA sequence is altered. Point mutations are frequently the result of mistakes made during DNA replication, although modification of DNA, such as through exposure to X-rays or to ultraviolet radiation, also can induce point mutations
Hydrologists are most likely to perform actions relating to estimating the amount of groundwater in an aquifer.
Hydrologists are scientists that specialize in the study of how water relates to the various crusts of the earth.
Hydrology in itself refers to the branch of science that studies how water moves relative to the earth's crusts.
Thus, species identification, age of fossils, or extracting underground oils have nothing to do with the work of hydrologists.
More on hydrology can be found here:
The house fly develops in four stages: egg, larva, pupal, and adult.