i agree because life is hard, and there are so many journeys we have to go through, and those journeys will only be easier if we understand that not everything is perfect and going to go your way.
When Caesar says "He is a dreamer, let us leave him" (1.2.26), he is referring to the soothsayer. Furthermore, the soothsayers tells him "beware the ides of March", and Caesar brushes it off and basically calls the soothsayer insane. So, he is basically saying "He is insane, let's leave".
Ulrich von Gradwitz meets Georg Znaeym in the forest, and as soon as he sees him, he is ready to kill him.
They both hate each other since they were children, and that hate became so strong that they have come to the pint of killing each other.
The story of the hate of them derives from the past where the reason was jealousy, as some proofs say. Ulrich's family was rich and they have won disputed lands, which made the Znaeym family very jealous.
sincere, informal, and serious.