In the 15th century, Europe sought to expand trade routes to find new sources of wealth and bring Christianity to the East and any newly found lands. This European Age of Discovery saw the rise of colonial empires on a global scale, building a commercial network that connected Europe, Asia, Africa, and the New World.
B) There were more jobs for people.
Theodore Roosevelt received the Nobel Peace prize for his work with japan and Russia.
So correct Option is B.
First, they imported a LOT of food from other parts of the empire. Rome is now built on the remains of Roman food packaging material: broken up pottery. Romans mainly lived on what is know as the mediterranean triangle: Wheat, wine and olive oil. Bread made up 70 to 80% of most of the Romans diet. Three kinds of food that are pretty easy to transport over longer distances. There were huge imports of grain from north Africa and Egypt. Rome lived on that grain. Wine and olive oil came from almost everywhere.