Just search it up the internet is your best friend
French navigator Jacques Cartier was sent by King Francis I to the New World in search of riches and a new route to Asia in 1534.
Tiger grrrr lol jsp it would be a <u>WOLF</u> , John Locke would be represented as a lone wolf an animal that acts independently or generally lives or spends time alone instead of with a group not being led by one single leader (Monarch) and having a more complex governing of himself (Democracy).
Represnting Locke, all humans have pre-political rights that afford them protection against the aggression of others. <em>But where does this leave animals? For Locke, animals do not have natural rights, and therefore human interactions with animals are property governed (Side By Side Comparison to The Governing of Rights with a single Monarch as a leader and then a Majority Ruled GOVT) </em>. <u>John would be an independent self governed animal such as a more complex democracy .</u>
Microwave ovens and space travel
i don't know it. what is it about?
Dear Editor,
I want to draw your attention towards the key strengths that the patriots have which may, according to me, lead them to a victory in war of independence.
The first important thing to consider is the war strategy that the patriots and the British have adopted. I understand the patriots have neither a naval power nor a specialized army. However, the strength here is the suffering of the desertion rates by the army which, I think, will pretty much pay them back positively.
Secondly, the deployment of the famous Fabian Strategy by Gen. Washington will yield fruitful results for the patriots. This is because it directly targets the Hudson Highland Strategy of the British without necessarily involving in conventional battle.
Thirdly, I think the alliance with France is of paramount importance here; Morgan successfully managed to lure Cornwallis in after the Battle of Cowpens in the year 1781. Due to all of these key strengths, I believe the patriots will win the war of independence.