Termites have cellulose-digesting protists in their guts.
Termites are able to access nutrients contained in cellulose due to their mutualistic association with some cellulose-digesting protists such as <em>Trichonympha</em> and M<em>ixotricha</em>. The protists produce cellulase in addition to other glycolytic enzymes that work together to convert cellulose to malate.
The malate produced is further metabolized to produce , hydrogen, acetate and energy in the form of ATP.
The protists get sheltered in the termite's gut in return.
The Punctuated Equilibrium theory proposes that a specie that appears in the fossil record will become stable. To support this theory, a fossil record serves as an evidence which includes transitional fossils. Transitional fossils refers to the remains of an organism that still exhibit traits to both the ancestral and descendant group.
<span>Cells of most organisms freeze due to the fact that. Water is less dense as a solid than as a liquid. To elaborate when you quickly freeze and organism the internal portion of that organism is freezing at a much slower rate. SO the outside portion becomes rigid eventually breaking is you freeze it at a slower rate less cells will be damaged.</span>
phospholipids, glycolipids, and sterols
The process of __clonal selection__