i believe this will be false
It is always helpful to choose a template, and an attractive theme to begin with. Next, display only the keywords or phrases that you need in your PowerPoint. This will help it look less boring (if its a whole paragraph of writing, it looks boring). Lastly, it is important to add visuals or images to your PowerPoint. Google Slides is also very convenient to use. Please message me if you have any other concerns!
Following are the program in java is given below
import java.util.*; // import package
public class Main // main class
public static void main(String[] args) // MAIN FUNCTION
Scanner scan2 = new Scanner(System.in);// scanner CLASS
System.out.println("Enter the Grade ");
char GRADE = scan2.next().charAt(0);//Read input by user
if(GRADE=='A' || GRADE=='B' || GRADE=='C' || GRADE=='D' || GRADE=='F' ) // //CHECK CONDITION
System.out.println("The GRADE is :" +GRADE); // display grade
else // Else block
System.out.println(" Input Error"); // display message
Enter the Grade
The GRADE is :D
Following are the description of program
- Create the object of scanner class for read the value of grade by the user .
- Read the value of "GRADE" variable by using the scanner class object scan 2
- Now check the condition in if block if the "GRADE" is 'A' or 'B' or 'C' or 'D' or 'F' then display the value of the GRADE variable otherwise else block is executed and input error message is displayed .
Alcohol(NOT the liquor!)
Nail polish remover is basically alchohol and it can actually help melt ice. You can also use toothpaste, hairspray, deodorant, perfume, and hand sanitizer.