Disk Defragmenter
A disk defragmenter is a utility that reorganizes the files and unused space on a computer's hard disk so that the operating system accesses data more quickly and programs run faster.
theme colors
As said, a group of colors that are used to format text and objects in a document. When you open the Color menu, these colors determine what you see.
Grid computing.
Grid computing is a study utilizing Immune Earth to test AIDS treatment because the following are the reasons that describe the answer is true about the scenario.
- Grid computing seems to be a scattered network with a vast amount for systems linked to handle a difficult issue.
- Systems can be linked straightly or through organized systems.
Other options are incorrect.
- Green computing is not the correct answer according to the scenario because the usage of systems and its energy is socially safe and economically sustainable.
- Trusted Computing is not the correct answer according to the scenario because it helps a part of information to show which os as well as program to be required to access this.
- Edge computing is not the correct answer according to the scenario because it optimizes web apps as well as software programs while getting computation back to the information base.
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If God Is For Us Who Can Be Against us?? Romans 8:31
The code is given in the explanation section
//Class Airconditioner
public class AirConditioner {
private boolean turnOnOff;
//The Constructor
public AirConditioner(boolean turnOnOff) {
this.turnOnOff = turnOnOff;
//method turn_on
public void turn_on(){
this.turnOnOff = true;
//method turn_off
public void turn_off( ){
this.turnOnOff = false;
// A new class to test the airconditional class
class AircondionTest{
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Creating an object of the Aircondional class
AirConditioner office_a_c = new AirConditioner(false);
//Using the reference varible to call method turn_on