Attached is a screenshot of my code for 'PasswordGenerator' and the tests necessary.
If you need any explanation, please ask!
Repetition, and regular rhythm
Its certainly repetition method, and repetition method is of three types which are repetition, pattern and rhythm.
Remember repetition can be boring at times as we need to read same thing again and again. However, repetition sometimes can be good like the one we are referring to, and the other one can be like placing the logo or menu at same place in all web page. And its since it creates a habit in us for reading the web pages, And hence we can understand faster, and it looks please to our eyes hence as well.
The Update statement in the DML is used for changing existing data in a table.
Their are following Sql statement in the DML.
This SQL statement is used for inserting data into the table.
This SQL statement is used for retrieving data from database
This SQL statement is used for updating data in a table.
This SQL statement is used for delete data from database .
The "UPDATE" SQL statement in DML is used for Modify the data in the existing table .
Following are the syntax of Update SQL query
Update tablename
set column1=value1,column2=value2............column N=valueN
Where condition;
Example :Suppose we have student table and (rollno,name,age and add) are the field for that table we have to change the address of rollno 105
Then we use update query like that
SET add='kalam nagar'
where rollno=105;
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) for NOx control
<span>Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) for HC emission control </span>
Evaporative Emissions Control(EVAP)
<span>Catalytic Converter for HC and NOx control</span>