Della quickly explains that she cut and sold her hair because she wanted so badly to buy him something nice for Christmas. She also assures him that her how grows very fast and that she's bought him a really lovely gift with the money she got for her hair.
Cleaning physically removes germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces or objects by using soap (or detergent) and water. This can decreases the chances of someone getting sick when they use the tool(s).
Spenish should have an "a" instead of "e"
1.)The fact that even though their love was forbidden they still found a way to be with each other. That stuck out to me because no matter what was in their way the love they had for each other was always stronger than what they had to overcome
2.) Instead of talking to each other to figure things out they both ended up dying due to lack of communication. That stuck out to me because the ending couldve have been so different if they had talked things out before they acted on them.
3.) Romeo and juliet risked everything their families, lovers, friends. They had no problem throwing those things away for each other their commitment to each other was so strong. That stuck out to me because now adays not everyone is willing to drop everything for the one person they love.
Explanation: rewrite it however u want or choose completely different ones its up to u :)